The CancerAIDS Fairy

Did you find yourself asking "where's Michael Shannon" whenever he wasn't onscreen?

I was just thinking that. Truman got put on the ticket in 1944 as a compromise choice at the Democratic Convention.

Pretty funny - and the only such case I know of where the time travelers are trying to HIDE the fact that they are from the future from someone who wants to believe they are, though I am sure there are others.

I probably would in a heartbeat for whatever they are paying him.

It's the first song that I have heard from The Band Perry whose lyrics don't involve putting something in a river. Too bad. I was hoping that they were going to make that the theme of their entire oeuvre.

What's the definition of country, and who has the authority to decide why that is the official definition?


I lived in Alexandria for like a year before I got the connection.

Is "goatie" just a very specific kind of foodie, or what?

I'd have sex with her.

I still think it's an "Emperor's New Clothes" situation; then again, I can't cross my eyes.

That's one of those mysteries that best left unsolved, really.

Control yourself!

My favorite RW line of all time.

At one point, Tom's ball looked a little CG to me.

My wife is going to Greece with her best friend in a couple of months. I am staying here.

And you would have gotten away with it, too, if not for admitting it just now.

Hit me with your genie's bottle!

All the trailers that I have seen consist entirely of people talking about how great the main character is.

The ratio of women to men in most of my library school classes is usually around 3:1.