The CancerAIDS Fairy

Kids are WAY easier to impress. They actually think I'm funny!

"sounded like a bunch of dwarves marching and carry torches, like they're going to off to fight a battle" and "I like the song" are pretty much synonymous, aren't they?

As a native Rochestarian, I love the W Pop. Now that Kodak is done, Wegmans is the only company we have left to be unreasonably proud of.

If your point is "enslaving white people was once considered much worse than enslaving members of other races, and sometimes phrases outlive the particular social conditions that spawned them", then yes.

As someone named "Kevin", I have a great message I could use if I could ever be bothered to replay that one scene from Community.

I still think it's an emperor's new clothes thing, and NO ONE has ever seen one.

I'm not single, and I think she's adorable.

Well, the book and movie timeline don't match - the movie cut out the like 17 years between Bilbo leaving and Gandalf figuring out about the ring, and then Gandalf telling Frodo he had to get rid of it.

Legolas hadn't been conceived of as a character, but there is a huge section of the book in which the party is trapped in the halls of his father the king. Aragorn, likewise, was later explained as having been at Rivendell during the events of the book. Gimli had family on the quest . . . JRR already retconned them

Actually, I am pretty sure that's EXACTLY what he means.

I have found that that movie accounts for about 90% of my attempts at playing Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon.

The dean's sister's costume didn't fit him.

Katrina? Andrew? Ivan?

In the Gallo role? That would be hot.

It was a repeat of the premiere.

He was gluing pictures of cakes into a book, knowing that his half of a face means he will never have any cake of his own.

Methinks they do protest too much that they don't know who he is.

Brokeback 2: Cowgirls?

It's a stupid, overused meme, and I can't stand the sight of it.

You know, things like "freedom of worship" and "freedom to build what you want on land you own without the government or nosy neighbors complaining" are usually considered conservative values. I actually know plenty of conservatives who have grasped this - apparently not the loud ones.