I predict that what enables Ted to get over Robin is her marrying Barney.
I predict that what enables Ted to get over Robin is her marrying Barney.
It's one of the steps of a Mexican Halloween.
I live in Northern VA now and the Wegmans adoration always makes me laugh . . . clearly the people who think it's the Greatest Grocery Store Ever never went to the (now defunct) Wegmans on Driving Park and Dewey.
I would rank the actual movie itself as the one that showed the most potential. The radiation shadows that were all we ever saw of the Venusians were pretty cool, and the movie was one of the few that actually managed to have something like a multi-racial cast where one would be realistic.
He doesn't even OWN an internet.
It seems to me that any work whose central message is "you are a terrible person for enjoying this" is one I can skip and not feel too bad. Although apparently that's what Chase was going for a lot of the time with The Sopranos.
Potato, potato.
And for a wide variety of reasons, even!
I walked a long, darkened corridor . . .
It's all leaky now.
He was probably my favorite character on F&G.