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    That is not what the twinkie defense was!

    Well, stop worrying, because these spoilers are wrong. The movie is very good.

    I'm not sure I follow the 'gay thing' at issue here. Was there actually a refusal to have a gay character, or are none of the characters gay? Considering there are like 8 characters in the whole show with relevant sexuality, the fact that there isn't a gay character is hardly statistically unlikely or noteworthy.

    Seemed plausible to me that he seriously injured himself with the gunshot (i.e., didn't just shoot his own nose off, which is ridiculous) and that everything after that was hallucinatory from his hospital bed, including the positive review. A close parallel of the Taxi Driver ending.

    Taco is close below, but what the expression means is that knowledge of the exception will let you figure out what the rule is.

    I mean, I feel like I got there pretty fast!
    Every single media outlet in the world will be hearing from my lawyers.

    How much did he pay for these dirty deeds?
    Were they done dirt cheap?

    Naturally, Kitty et. al. couldn't know; they actually never get to know if it works, because as soon as it does the timeline changes and they don't remember.
    The audience knows, though. I just think it would all have been solved with Wolverine somehow (even in a minor way) having a role at the end so it mattered if the

    What? No. Stakes were gone as soon as Wolverine was thrown into the river; up to that point there was still a reason to have everyone protecting his comatose body. After Wolverine was out of the fight, there was drama in 1970 but not in the future, so it was annoying that we kept cutting away from what mattered.

    At least this would have been real drama, unlike the
    fake-stakes raising at the actual end. All of that cutting back and forth
    between the future and the past in the last 10 min, and none of it made any

    It was a serious question - I don't watch this show (my roommate does), and I didn't realize it was basically a cartoon.

    Is this show supposed to make any sense at all, or is that not the point? Is it a cartoon?

    That would have been challenging, considering he's dead.

    GCM is getting a pretty serious face-lift this year; a lot of those places selling 'produce you absolutely have to eat in 24 hours' have been or are going to bereplaced by fancier fare.

    The weird thing, IMO, is that Superman DOES have some fun villains who could fix the 'bad story' problem!

    Well, the book is definitely a defense, psychologically, why people believe what they do - the kid tells the story because what really happened is too painful. That's fine, if not I think (and as you point out) what the author wants to show.

    Well, the book is definitely a defense, psychologically, why people believe what they do - the kid tells the story because what really happened is too painful. That's fine, if not I think (and as you point out) what the author wants to show.

    Hey @avclub-0ebf8ab72300320714488d4aa61daa74:disqus , I have to say that I fundamentally disagree with you. I thought the book was actually quite radical and anti-science in its views.

    Hey @avclub-0ebf8ab72300320714488d4aa61daa74:disqus , I have to say that I fundamentally disagree with you. I thought the book was actually quite radical and anti-science in its views.

    I haven't seen the movie, so it may well be beautiful, but I found the book to be utterly infuriating in its anti-science bullshit.