Unbridled Enthusiasm

I never completely bought into this plot line. I mean it's as entertaining as the rest of the show but the way it begins and the way it ends feels so clunky. I thought that the reason the shit hits the fan this episode is because Sorkin knew he was leaving and wanted to screw everything up for his successor. As much

I never completely bought into this plot line. I mean it's as entertaining as the rest of the show but the way it begins and the way it ends feels so clunky. I thought that the reason the shit hits the fan this episode is because Sorkin knew he was leaving and wanted to screw everything up for his successor. As much

I never really thought much about connection but you're right. Makes sense because Snicket was my favorite 'kids' author and Pynchon is probably my favourite author today.

I never really thought much about connection but you're right. Makes sense because Snicket was my favorite 'kids' author and Pynchon is probably my favourite author today.

I felt it would be almost too easy to bring that up but your. And this Carrie doesn't even have Kings blessing, or intersect seemingly. Then again, unlike the TV Shining, this has a budget and talent attached.

I felt it would be almost too easy to bring that up but your. And this Carrie doesn't even have Kings blessing, or intersect seemingly. Then again, unlike the TV Shining, this has a budget and talent attached.

The Sopranos is quickly becoming the Battleship Potempkin of TV. No matter how much the hype ruins it, no matter how much it's dated, no matter how many shows improve on it, you simply have to see it if you want any appreciation of the development of the TV 'golden age'.

The Sopranos is quickly becoming the Battleship Potempkin of TV. No matter how much the hype ruins it, no matter how much it's dated, no matter how many shows improve on it, you simply have to see it if you want any appreciation of the development of the TV 'golden age'.

Man, this is a project that really doesn't need to be happening. The original film is one of the best horror movies of all time and the whole 'making it closer to the book idea' is misguided because everyone, including King, acknowledges that it's a weak novel that DePalma improved on significantly.

Man, this is a project that really doesn't need to be happening. The original film is one of the best horror movies of all time and the whole 'making it closer to the book idea' is misguided because everyone, including King, acknowledges that it's a weak novel that DePalma improved on significantly.

It's probably been said but the government in Homeland is definitely Republican. When Brody is announced in season 1 there's a reference to small government (or less government spending, something like that). While the foreign policy is deliberately ambiguous and not party-specific that's a dead give away that it's a

It's probably been said but the government in Homeland is definitely Republican. When Brody is announced in season 1 there's a reference to small government (or less government spending, something like that). While the foreign policy is deliberately ambiguous and not party-specific that's a dead give away that it's a

It's still only the second least-convincing Cromwell portrayal of an American politician.

It's still only the second least-convincing Cromwell portrayal of an American politician.

Cruel. Cruel, cruel, cruel.

Cruel. Cruel, cruel, cruel.

I'm afraid to say this out loud but…. I actually chuckled at it. It was obviously very tasteless but Peter's little expressions thrown in around completely gratuitous carnage sold it for me.

I'm afraid to say this out loud but…. I actually chuckled at it. It was obviously very tasteless but Peter's little expressions thrown in around completely gratuitous carnage sold it for me.

Anyone else love the way that snopes article casually drops the term 'munchkin lechery'?

Anyone else love the way that snopes article casually drops the term 'munchkin lechery'?