
you forgot carpentry and helicopters

I don't like this argument. It's making excuses for the person who did the shooting and partly blaming an inanimate object. You don't point a deadly weapon at someone if you don't want to kill them.

The root of varmint may be the same as for vermin, but varmint is the common term for "undesirable" wildlife. Most state hunting regulations seem to use that term. Basically anything that can become a problem and isn't tasty gets called a varmint.

Shit, I'm having trouble carrying all the guns I have now. You mean I still need more?!?!

gun oil is a brand name of sex lubricant? That is soooo wrong.

Me too, brother (or sister).

So, lock him up and toss away the key. In my opinion the possibility that a single innocent person might ever be executed is reason enough to outlaw capital punishment. The state should never impose a penalty that it can't compensate for if proven wrong later. Even if someone wrongfully spends 30 years in prison,

In my experience a lot of people have the guns they bought, the guns dad bought and the guns that grandpa bought. Dad's and grandpa's guns usually sit in the closet collecting dust. And then there are the serious hunters who have a gun for each type of game, so they have a heavy shotgun for ducks and geese, maybe a


Where I live, I can buy as many assault weapons as I want up to the limit on my credit card within a hour or less. There is no waiting period and no limit on what you can buy (apart from federal law). I'd define that as pretty easy.

Next you tell me that Tom Hanks eats babies.

I recently bought a professional-quality chain saw (we heat with wood) and that thing is terrifying. I've had a few cheap saws, but the industrial-grade saw cuts so damn fast. The manuals warn you about kick-back and saw-pull, but this is the first tool where I've actually experienced either. Luckily they weight 20

Yup, and there is the uncomfortable fact that the vast majority of killings are young black men being killed by other young black men. If you're a middle class white male your chances of being involved in a gun crime is vanishingly small. Yet the same demographic is hording guns and getting concealed carry permits

You forgot the blue-ringed octopus and killer jellyfish!

Look at the medieval weapons in a museum and then look at a machete, axe or roofing hammer. The typical garage is chock full of terrifying implements.

Conservative thought in America crossed the parody event horizon a long time ago.

As I recall, most mass shootings seem to be "rich white people" shooting other "rich white people" (for varying values of rich and white). and the pro-gun loonies in my state are pushing to allow guns in ANY uncontrolled government building (no guard at the door = you can take your gun in). I'm a gun owner and I

and the places with the most killings have the worst record keeping

The mass shooting in Norway in 2011 was 69. Then the shooter was a politically motivated terrorist and not the typical American mass shooter.

I agree with your premiss, however I doubt we could get a very accurate estimate since there are so many unknowns.