Random Lego Guy

There comes a time in a Lego's life when you must decide if you'd make love to Jeremy Piven. I'm on the fence…

Your attempt at Lego humor was both crass and disrespectful. My Uncle Scott had a small space ship built on his head. Dark day…

That better not be anti-Lego….

Classic! Remember when he wrestled Bret "The Brickman" Hart? So awesome.

This show is going to be ribrickulous! I'm so blockin' excited. Even Lego people love us some pro wrestling. I love cheering for "The Block".

What about Legoing? People could pose like Lego people with their hands in a C shape and everything. Our ambassador supports this meme, which could help build cultural understanding between the Lego people and humans.

I'm just happy he doesn't like brick blowing. I would have to be seriously drunk to have sex with him…

Yeah, even in Legoland this is illegal, and we have relaxed standards. I drove a race car yesterday then helped stop a fire before finally crusading with some knights. I killed like 6 Mega Blok guys. But even we don't play ball if there's no grass on the field.

I'm…I'm so happy to see all the pro-Lego messages here. I guess we Lego CAN live in harmony with humans. And yes, I know the Bionicle guys, they are intense!

You better believe there's flagging for anti-Legoism! We're a people to, you know! This is a society!

I know Lego Batman if that counts. Nice guy…

Oh, we'll find out, scum. I have Knight and Pirate friends. AND I know Batman.

You're going down, Mega Blok! You hackney race will be snuffed out soon enough. Lego Power!

We die…it happened to my Aunt Peg. We call it being "popped".

What's up my brickers? Love the new comment system.

We don't have apples in Legoland…

Hello? Anyone? Echoooooooo…

I'm proud of you. Excelsior! Viva la Lego!

When is the Real World going to allow a person of Lego descent to be on? If you twist my hands, do they not come out? If you pull hard on my legs, do they not detach? We are human too, you know.

The dawn of a new day. May all Lego's comment in real time!