Frank Stallone

Hey.. that's not cool, man.

Don't buy that TV. It is a boat anchor.

You guessed it..

Good to see you too, @wilderhair:disqus! Let's catch up!

I could tell you some stories! I keep telling them to get me in for Random Roles! I mean my publicist does that! I don't do it myself of course!


Worst boss ever.

Hello, Jose! Good to see you again! I am also very excited to meet some of my AVClub fans this New Years Eve!

Is it really Apple that makes these decisions?  Like, if you write an app, you decide what the price is going to be, not them.  They don't control the show.
I mean, they might set the prices, I really don't know.

After the fourth take, he's seen everything.

Elements of the past and the future, combining to form something not quite as good as either!

I'm in the middle of the book right now so I was pretty weirded out by that.  Also, Mayor Stice, and the C.T. Tavis building where they visited Dr. Joelle van Dyne after taking the Incandenza-Pemulis test.  I might have missed some.

If anyone's interested, the robot arm is available from Lynxmotion.

Aw, that picture was the best.  It looked like Steven Colbert

I watched like 40 of those things and not a single one started "did you ever notice…?"  I call bullshit on that factoid.

I am very excited about this.

I heard my name! I'm in!