Siggy Lamar

[Incorrect correction of formatting of preceding metajoke]

At the very least, Saul should have known to call Jesse and steer him clear of the RV.

I understand that Luke has this thing called "The Force".  Maybe that would help him?

Okay, this has always bothered me. In the joke where the bear asks the bunny if he has that problem where shit sticks to his fur, and the bunny says no, so the bear picks up the bunny and wipes his ass with him: the bunny should say "Yes". Would you use toilet paper if shit didn't stick to it? It makes no sense!

Dudes, this was obviously intended as the transition between the opening Death Star scene and the Tatooine action. Did you really think the first shot in the movie was suppoed to be Darth strolling down a hallway?

I'll bite. The U.S. version is clearly inferior until the Season 2 episode "The Fire". From that point it succeeds on its own merits, being a different kind of show.

Pig Mask
To this day, I am still afraid of pigs, and especially pig masks, because I saw Siskel & Ebert review Motel Hell when I was 5.

When Lea Thompson pulls the condom out of his wallet?

My first media-derived erection
was when they went swimming and the Princess' bikini top floated up without her. "Sufferin' cats! She's nekkid under there!"

I liked Cars Voltron better because they could only form Voltron for 5 minutes. Even at age 8, I understood the storytelling value of raising the stakes.

Eat Drink Man Woman. It was just a bunch of stupid food.

*balls the jack; howls at the moon*


This thread was better when it was on drugs.

Whites co-opting Black music: all this means is there were lots of lame, shitty Black rappers/jazzers/bluesers before there was ever the first lame, shitty white one.

Coke revives aliens
but Pepsi raises Chinese from the dead.

A Confrederacy of Fucktards


Yeah, maybe it works better if I think of it as an epilogue. It didn't feel like one at the time, but then again there was a crying Mexican baby in the theater.

You may be right about the ending not being bad, even being good; but once I've seen what feels like the perfect ending to a good movie, anything that follows that will feel superfluous.