Petroleum V. Nasby

Asked for a comment, a distraught Chachi Arcola could only respond, "Wah wah wah."

Fight for your honor, he will.

The Force Awakens had Sharknado call-backs? Man, they went way over my head.

You're not missing anything. The wookie hair gets all over the place.

*Drops marquee off of five-story tower*

I was in the audience for the Chaz Chase show. Not a particularly memorable episode — and we were seriously bummed when Dave announced that tomorrow's guest would be Gallagher (it was '83, sue us) — but we did get to meet "the man who plays Larry 'Bud' Melman", who turned out to be a tall, distinguished Brit, and then

The "fairest lady" reference suggests the poster was advertising a 60's re-release of the movie, so it would be interesting to see if Bogie and Holden got more space on the original poster.

Indiana Jones and the Miracle of Viagra

Brooks Dunn.

According to The Flintstones' back story, Barney Rubble's first two wives died from eating poisoned brontosaurus ribs.