
Yeah, I've always found it super creepy given the name. The guitar at the end always sounded like screaming to me.

Oh. And so that's probably the scene the actress referred to as being really hard to shoot—the showrunners can use that plotline to shoehorn in another really horrifying rape/attempted rape scene.

But did the evidence actually add up to reasonable doubt? The stuff with his lawyer seems like a sad sideshow. She failed in her
duties to her client, but I'm honestly not convinced a lawyer who had it together would have gotten a better outcome, other than maybe a plea deal. Even with the new information I keep being

Watching Community on a plane flying to Frankfurt. I giggled my way through a bunch of episodes to the point where an older German guy sitting next to me had to know what I was watching, so I tried to explain it in my terrible German and he tried to understand in his terrible English. Two episodes later and it's the

It's OK. In Bruges is better. Farrell is nothing special in 7 Psychopaths, but Sam Rockwell is freaking amazing, as usual.

Josh Whedon released Much Ado shortly after Avengers. So you know, it could work out.

A social structure based around being rejected monster extras from Buffy the Vampire slayer if that last guy was any indicator.

Folks in northern Minnesota do pretty much talk that way. People in the Twin Cities talk like TV announcers—basically no noticeable accent—unless they are from elsewhere in the state originally.

I especially love the little scene of Betty showing Sally how to put on
makeup. Such a lovely little moment that nicely hits back on the idea of
how mothers teach their daughters what kind of women to be.

But everything in Scandal feeds into the soap perception—at least in The Americans they're clearly trying really hard to get the background right. Most of the Russian characters are played by Russian speakers, most of the politics (even what the USSR thought of Star Wars!) are roughly accurate. Scandal doesn't even

How about I'm Afraid of Americans, by the same? At least for tourist season.

Also can someone please explain why Seven is so wonderful? I spent the whole movie distracted by why everything ever in the Pacific Northwest is apparently horrible and hellish. And then the ending is telegraphed from about 5000 miles away.

Martha Stewart's attempted scrapbook sting page is one of my favorite jokes of the whole show. I think maybe because I hope that if someone had tried that on Martha Stewart that is exactly what she would have done.

Martha Stewart's attempted scrapbook sting page is one of my favorite jokes of the whole show. I think maybe because I hope that if someone had tried that on Martha Stewart that is exactly what she would have done.

That's so funny he was Abedish in your head—he was a surprise guest at the opening of Brothers Bloom at a theater in DC, and he wore, swear to god, a cape. It worked! He was really really excited about Bloom, and just came off overall as adorable.

That's so funny he was Abedish in your head—he was a surprise guest at the opening of Brothers Bloom at a theater in DC, and he wore, swear to god, a cape. It worked! He was really really excited about Bloom, and just came off overall as adorable.

And people really do call the Capitol the national boob! (OK, maybe mostly drunk college kids. But still). I really kind liked that they went with Leslie being kind of let down by DC. It's a cool city in a lot of ways, but it IS  a stupid swamp, and there are a lot of people who have been here too long and make you

And people really do call the Capitol the national boob! (OK, maybe mostly drunk college kids. But still). I really kind liked that they went with Leslie being kind of let down by DC. It's a cool city in a lot of ways, but it IS  a stupid swamp, and there are a lot of people who have been here too long and make you

Yay Danvers!

Yay Danvers!