science girl

daylight savings time
Anyone remember the episode where Pete outran daylight saving by getting chased across two times zones? That was awesome.

The domestic Mallard, IS in fact white, as are several other domestic varieties of waterfowl.

DIdn't I already see this?
Oh yeah….It was the movie 'Short Bus' that came out, like three years ago.

What?! How am I supposed to waste time at work now?!

Any Hemmingway novel….any one at all
will instantly make you want to try REAL absinthe, whatever local wine his characters are drinking, and whatever wonderful food in a quaint little cafe his characters are eating. Hemmingway is just that good. Also, he wants us all to get fat.

This thread has been approved by Science Girl, actual biologist and longtime fan of Dawkins and his collegues.

No numbers, yet, but she's doing the whole 'internet dating' thing and she won't stop telling me about her dates.

The whole cougar phenomenon just drives me to bad thoughts about my newly divorced mother…..gross.

hey! I see your daily show reference!

when I had mono my freshman year of college, I watched KITH all the time. I think it was on somewhere in the 1-3pm time slot

UGH….so I had a gyno appointment yesterday that has left me with particularly bad cramps…..I'm gonna go home and veg to 'The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" and probably season 3 of Dexter from the good folks at netflix.

Faulkner State in Bumblefuck, AL is also commonly known as 'Faulk U'

definately not for rock climbing. We climber types like fancy ripstop materials, and all the boys wear 'man-pris'

Definately not the rock climbing. We like fancy ripstop materials, and all the climber boys wear 'man-pris'

I despise the greek system (but the show isn't half bad!)
Since this show became available on Hulu a couple weeks ago, my finance has been watching at least 2 episodes of it a night, and I can honestly say that its a lot more than I ever would have expected from ABC family.

I think I just got whiplash from watching that.

Dan Savage=Also my hero. I've been reading him for at least 10 years now. If Dan weren't gay, I'd totally do him. I wonder if he's into pegging…..

I think that they're all delightfully pleaseant because their evil, beefy, british school marms will beat them if they're not. In fact, that kinda turns me on…

since I love all things snarky and haterish, I'm okay with this being similar to The Hater, even though you wrote it Sean. Besides, Amelie has been slacking today.

I really liked spader in 'Stargate' (though its wasn't the best movie) but I fell in love with him in 'secretary'. Of course maybe thats just my inner domme talking.