
Everyone needs someone to say nice things sometimes.

Burns knew

Is it a stereotype that everyone needs to be listened to and have their feelings validated some times?

Burns has clearly shut smithers down many times before. See his look of disinterest in joy of sect when they are discussing our new god

An episode that has nerdlingers discussing character aspects/flaws? Is this 1994? Frinks finally done it. Where are my hamburger earmuffs?

It was a dads advice to his son. Mums dont give similar advice to their daughters?. Human relationships sometimes need nice platitudes. A white lie if you will.

Flip it and marge and lisa would say the same thing. Everyone, regardless of gender wants to be validated from time to time.

I get jokes

Youre grounded

We like our gays flaming

Attention span! Rabin needs audiology enhancements! Attenion span… and so on…