Atticus Finch

James is gone?
That's it, AI. I'm done. See you in 2012.

Andrew Garcia!
I didn't expect to like Andrew Garcia from his back story in the auditions, but he was a good singer then and I think he did a great job with his rendition of "Straight Up!" Also, what happened to John Park from Northwestern? He was in all the promos, but all we saw of him was some jumping up and down

I object to the lack of any LL Cool J movies on the list.

I would love to see a full up "I saw this on purpose" Gymkata review. I remember back in 1997 when foolish people would say Titanic was the worst movie they'd ever seen. I would simply reply, "Go see Gymkata".

Worst Movie Ever Nominee?
Loved the original 1975 version. Went to see the 2002 version in the theater. Unwatchable garbage. I nominate this piece of crap for any worst movie ever list.