Metaphor Junkie

Shakespeare might say
Being undead is all part of Cleopatra's "infinite variety."

The Host with the Most
Jeremy (the British photographer) should have gotten his own show. Or at least they should have made him go other places with Pat. Jeremy was the best part!

You must stop killing superhero shows
I had hoped that this show was actually going to be at least a little progressive in its gender politics when I first saw the wife was the breadwinner and (pre-power) genius.

A simile presents a comparison that includes both items: bruises=code.

The quotations that Tasha picked are actually similes. I only note this because similes are the bluntest of metaphors—the easiest to understand. As direct comparisons, similes are an accessible poetic and literary device. Perhaps this could help explain how the work can be both blunt and metaphoric?

I think Rowan made some good points about Alex's character. He was a jerk—a romanticized jerk at that—but, to me, he felt "real" because of those flaws. I've known Alexes and women who romanticize them.

oops. first "more serious"="bigger"

And these stories stand in for details about Alex's life. Iris understands his experience of being an other through the Oriental Romances that Alex himself detests. He thinks:

er, "alternate"="alternative"

My point is that Laura has an alternate. Others—as in the poor—don't have the option of going to rich in-laws. Admittedly, her family was "poor," but they had the privilege of seclusion, privacy. One of the main differences in class experience is living publicly vs. being able to afford privacy. It was commented upon

The theme that I was personally struck by was class interaction in Laura's charity as well as the Iris-Laura-Alex triangle. The quote that I had to write down was:

Ballerinas are awesome. I'm considering making that my new AV Club profile pic.

Other than The Sopranos, are there mainstream TV shows/movies that feature Italian—not Sicilian—gangsters? The racial tension between Italians and Sicilians over the mafia stereotype is prevalent, or at least voiced often by my Italian grandmother who immigrated to the US in the early 1900s.

One of the reasons I love Buffy is Joss' inversion of traditional gender norms. Are there other superhero comics/shows/movies that feature strong/smart/nerdy women? Do Wonderwoman, Catwoman, and Electra stack up to Buffy in terms of gender-bending?

I don't understand
Why can't they just fight crime and like it?

No Ordinary Sidekick
I'd watch this show if they let Autumn Reeser go on a date with Amy Acker. Go Team Katie and Whiskey-Fred!

If one sidekick was going to hook up
I think Katie should have gotten to kiss Amy Acker.

The best way to experience nature without being in nature
The monarch scenes were absolutely stunning. Seeing butterflies land in the trees by the thousands made up for only implying their migration across North America.

Whedon makes them hot
Felicia Day is definitely hotter when she has Whedon dialogue. Whedon characters (like Fred) are attractive because of their clever banter.

Now that you mention it
Tony Leung is just what this show needs.