Arsenio Billingham

I'm particularly glad these lovely children were here today to hear that speech.

"Is Girls Against Boys a B-movie that tries to redeem its exploitation elements by couching them as arty feminist critique"

Thought this was about the Koch brothers.



…you mean aside from her blowing anonymous hillbillies for oxy money?

"I knew you liked me." Shit got me fucking choked up. This show, which was always incredible, is now hitting its stride. Goddamn.

Please tell me they're going to cancel this.

I heard they broke up over the weekend. I lost all interest after De-Loused, and I busted it back out, and remembered how fucking excellent a record that is.

The internet was cool at first: I got into it in a bar in Red Hook with like six other people back in the early '90s.

No, seriously, what is the internet?

Please tell me you were called Jason and the Hellers.

One of the fascinating little subtle things this episode presents is that maybe Homer and Marge would be happier with other people. Not that they're a bad match, but that if things were different, they'd be happier and more well-adjusted if they were with other people.

Shut up, boy.

That's the stupidest name I've ever heard.

To be fair, Tom Sharpling has made me hate anything he's remotely associated with, including comedy and consuming oxygen.

I would agree if anyone on Fox and Friends knew what that was.

You're brave for admitting you've seen that.