
Here's a theory…
I didn't notice the numbers at all when I watched it the first time. The end hit me really hard, and I found it extremely affecting and pretty realistic.

I feel like she gets better. Part of it is her, definitely, but I think part of it also is the writing. She's just poorly written this season.

When this was first on the air and I was a teenager, I hated Riley. I thought he was incredibly boring and dull, and he irritated the stuffing out of me. When he left the show, it made me really happy.

Yes, it's a lot of work for Parker, but the reason he puts it in is because guys like him think a girl is never going to give it up without the whole show (thoughtful gift, meaningful-sounding conversation, etc). For all his talk about "making a choice," he's still seducing them with an (unspoken) promise of something

I have a friend whose boyfriend of 3 years went overnight from loving and caring to: we need to break up so I can have sex with other girls. This was six months ago. She still fantasizes about him coming back to her, and not in a "then I could dump HIM!" kind of way.

Noel, once again, I think you miss the point with the whole Parker sub-plot. Perhaps because you're a guy, or because you never had a close female friend who went through this (because it primarily happens to women), or because of something else. I'm not sure.

Rowan, you obviously never met these guys in college.

Rowan, you obviously never met these guys in college.

I think I'm in a very small minority here, but I like the fact that Buffy slept with Parker and then he didn't call her. Because that's what happens in real life. It's a reminder that for all her slayerness, Buffy is still a teenage girl, who does dumb teenage things.

I think I'm in a very small minority here, but I like the fact that Buffy slept with Parker and then he didn't call her. Because that's what happens in real life. It's a reminder that for all her slayerness, Buffy is still a teenage girl, who does dumb teenage things.

I think I'm in a very small minority here, but I like the fact that Buffy slept with Parker and then he didn't call her. Because that's what happens in real life. It's a reminder that for all her slayerness, Buffy is still a teenage girl, who does dumb teenage things.

Mightymouse, I disagree.

…these women are all, what, a size 6-10?

AV Club Fail
I don't see your point, to be honest. Just look at the cover of any Carl Hiaasen or Elmore Leonard book, and you'll see just about the same thing.

Yay for Milo and Otis
that is all.

Dave Chang!
I have missed you so very much. Every time I see pickled pigs' feet at the international market, I cry a little inside.

Something to keep in mind - Bill is the asshole he is partially BECAUSE he's a Fundie.

I've been looking forward
to a movie where Adam Sandler died for about fifteen years.

Next week? Snake wine please, mmm!
Dave Chang, I think I love you.