

Dafuq? You didn't mention Killer Frost?

I really feel I need to rewatch this episode, I was really left with an "is that it?" feeling Tuesday night. Two of the series' best, most interesting characters were killed off with a whimper to illustrate a point we've been hammered in the face with time and time again. And Samaritan's "evil" and "power" was much

Well yeah, that guy who the Count poisoned in the beginning is now Captain Singh in the Flash. Whatever happened to this being a shared universe…

Well yeah, that guy who the Count poisoned in the beginning is now Captain Singh in the Flash. Whatever happened to this being a shared universe…

What's wrong? Has your primitive brain given up, and accepted that I, the Riddler! Am better… than you…?

Saw this pilot late in the night last night and even if my slight tiredness slowed things down a bit, I've come to really appreciate the value of this show. It really caught me by surprise and is nothing like the MCU, and even if it's like "Marvel's Dark Knight trilogy", it's even darker than that. I'm a huge, huge

Clyde's getting so much screen time now! Love it!

I believe you've seen Sherlock and are doing the following thing out of courtesy: not referencing Magnussen. "Magnus" is the most blatantly obvious reference to him and those who've seen Sherlock know how terrifying the guy is, and how much trouble Andrew looks like he's in. You're right entirely about this episode,