
Speaking of Alexa, where is she?

Definitely the best Finch scene in the whole series, holy shit

Naturally everyone's wetting their panties over episode 100, but honestly this was one of the most creepy and gripping episodes of the show we've had in a long time. A large portion of the credit goes to the fact that the mystery element came back to life; ever since Samaritan entered the fold, this show's serialized

You and Scott Von Doviak should really switch shows. You're far too generous while Scott is far too salty. The Flash deserves the praise you give Arrow.

The scores you've given this season have been far too generous


This is the best show on TV right now

I really love it when the NYPD gets a crime scene call at the end of an episode. You can feel the cliffhanger tension just building and building.

I laughed really hard when Sherlock mentioned having set "several traps" for Morland at the Brownstone.

SNAFU frankly deserves an A

That was a fucking abysmal episode

This is a better review than Scott's honestly

AV Club delivering top quality salt as usual

D+? You are fucking ridiculous

This was the best episode we've had in a very long time, absolutely riveting. I hope Cassie's story has been explored again recently, it's more mesmerizing than even the Morland stuff

So Jay was Alan Moore before he became Zoom, interesting.

This episode was horrid, how did it get an A?

TIL Elodie Yung has an extensive karate background. Man, she really can kick ass like Elektra in real life. It's really satisfying seeing similarities and parallels between a well-liked character and the actor/actress portraying them, because it's nice to see some elements of the character still staying alive outside

Father Lantom's speech about a world dying with a person was actually a /r/showerthoughts post from a while back

I honestly love Yates' presence on the show, he's so laid-back and interesting to watch. Same with Hammerschmidt, his little detective story is entertaining as hell.