
Goddammit Sayid pulls top quality women! I think it's especially hilarious that he is also presented as the best fighter and generally toughest guy on the show even though he is secretly fat….Tell me others have seen them try to hide his gut like they do with pregnant actresses.

While I don't agree with the pilot love going around, I sincerely fucking hope they don't waste everyone's time with a "which woman will Lafleur pick?" episode. Hopefully he will swiftly kick Kate to the kkkerb if she goes sniffing around, leaving she and Jack to steal infants, abuse substances, and annoy the fuck out

Jack looked like he was tantalizingly close to pulling out the "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!?" when Pierre Chang told him he was a workman… His incredulous assholery was still bubbling at the surface despite the rather definitive smackdown from our boy Lafleaur. Top episode.

Dude, when I was in college, these frat dbags, the floozy girls, and countless others would always play "Yackity Sacks" at all the parties, like 8 times a night… It was so annoying.