Yeah! The realer problem is liberals complaining about BULLSHIT like this that ultimately amounts to a big fucking zero in the grand scheme of things, but somehow manages to keep us all distracted enough while conservatives run away with the future!
Yeah! The realer problem is liberals complaining about BULLSHIT like this that ultimately amounts to a big fucking zero in the grand scheme of things, but somehow manages to keep us all distracted enough while conservatives run away with the future!
Given the state of things in 2017? Abso-goddamned-fucking-lutely.
Jesus, as a leftist I'm really starting to hate liberalism. White, Asian, Jesus fuck who gives a goddamn shit?
"What matters is while you self-involved fools were policing language at the Kids Choice Awards, a madman talked his way into the White House."
Speaking for myself, I assure you that there are no cartoonists, male or female, that I need to know.
I used to like it when I was a kid, but just yesterday I was on Hulu when I decided to check it out for the first time in 20 years. Picked an episode at random. Didn't make it 10 minutes in before I had to turn it off.
Drive had a plot?
Hating on the Chili Peppers on the AVClub? Brave card to play, man!
I get the joke, but every time I read an SNL review and get to this thread, I can't dive on that minus button fast enough.
To your body, it's only 5:30 though!
A common element in today's society of fans/viewers interacting with content creators is the typical overreactionary "fan complaint" directed at a creator, expecting it to fall on deaf ears, only to be surprised when the creator responds amicably, forcing the fan to double-back on the "I didn't really mean it, I can't…
Eh, he's a dog. He's already forgotten about it.
"the joke is that the dog is able to defend his points better than the humans"
Entourage. I'm so sorry.
"Meanwhile, a new Twitter account, @GopHealthPlan"
It had a functioning (for a time) theme park with dinosaurs with it. The 9-year-old in me that loved and still loves the concept of the original Jurassic Park was satisfied.
The "When the Whistle Blows" joke about the door to his office always being open ("I think it's the bloody hinges, fix that will ya?") always made me laugh for some reason.
Whenever I see an adult saying "pew! pew!" I want to burn down the internet and start over.
Good input
I would LOVE to find out what brain dead right-wing conservative echo chamber linked to this article so that way I can bookmark it for future reference. It's so, so much fun watching disoriented, grammar-and-spelling-challenged right-wingers complain about their beloved Dorito Mussolini.
The comments on this article are SO much fun. I've been laughing all day.