Hello Newman

To be fair, SNL did bring up the AVClub that one time. I think they even wrote an article about it.

He said all that in one of his comedy specials, huh?

Lena Dunham? That's our word!

Of course! Just don't let "costume on Halloween" be the hill you die on.

Sticks and stones will break my bones
But names are like a nuclear holocaust, how dare you say that!

I think when you've gotten to the point where you're asking people not to dress up on the one day per year known for dressing up, then yeah, you should refrain from making that argument, or at least, really question yourself first on why policing other adults on their—again—once-per-year choice to dress up as

"There are, in fact, Islamic countries where is is illegal to be gay, and illegal for women to exercise any kind of free will; pointing out the fact does not equal racism."

I believe you're looking for Jezebel.com, where that sentiment is not only common, but encouraged.

That's a pretty bold, courageous statement to make here. They'll rip you apart for such a hot take!

Same site calls Maher irrelevant, proceeds to post 8 Maher articles a day

For an irrelevant guy, Maher sure has been the subject of an awful lot of articles on here over the last week.

"The difference is that the fundamental beliefs of Islam are *not* terrifying - they've been inaccurately portrayed as such."

It just so happens that the actual sequel, also listed above, is godawful. Everybody and nobody should watch it.

Upvotes: Like money, you can spend them everywhere!

Greatest visual effects shot of all time thread
The wide shot of the t-rex taking its first steps out of its paddock. Still incredible after almost 25 years.

Very true. For all the conservative bluster about liberals and their feelings, it's conservatives who act on emotion far more often. Usually it's fear. Fear that someone is going to take their guns, fear that someone is going to take their job, fear that someone is going to break into their home.
I guess what I'm

Reminds me of one of Seth Meyers' better jokes from the 2011 Correspondent's Dinner.
"Donald Trump says he has a good relationship with the blacks. But unless the Blacks are a family of white people, I bet he's mistaken."

Sorry, not joining the hivemind. I love Bill Maher, even if I don't agree with him at least some of the time. There's no show like his anywhere on television.

Agreed. One can be in favor of this situation while simultaneously continuing to hate Pence (or Bono) for any variety of other reasons. People are complex.

These kinds of situations always remind me that people are complex, and that it's all too simple to ascribe the titles of "good guy" and "bad guy" to them when you don't factor the entirety of their being into account.