Hello Newman

I had the unfortunate experience of seeing the movie in theaters this weekend, and I could swear that in at least a few shots, Bill Pullman's face was CGI. They might have over smoothed the wrinkles or something.

Mine would be "Make it 1997 again by science or magic"

I never understood how a show as brilliant as Seinfeld managed to catch on the way it did in this stupid fucking country.

Thanks, ants.

Sorry - I was attempting to paraphrase Lucille Bluth's "I don't understand the question, and I won't respond to it" but I don't think I succeeded very well!

then don't respond to it.

It really was. I thought some of the best lines came from Gabourey Sidibe's character; I didn't realize she played comedy so well.

I don't know if it will ever get better than the full-length version of Life in a Glass House. Not to be hyperbolic, but it might be the pinnacle of human achievement.

As long as "Is it lonely up there on your pedestal, Uncle Patrick?" makes it in at some point, I'll allow it.

By watching the vast majority of other shows currently on TV, featuring largely ethnically-homogenous people who generally tend to stay in the city in which their lives take place?

Never thought a hat would destroy my life.

Talk about lowered expectations…

how dare you

thanks SCOTUS

The show underwent a strange transition at some point in its later seasons: They went from Larry having rules that nobody else knows, to having rules that everybody else knows.

It's like a dessert donut

[hocks, hocks, coughs up pubic hair]

You know what? Go back and rewatch 'em; they're better than you remember.


George: This is the part where they change me.
Jerry: You're like eight years old!