Hello Newman

I will third the nomination for Roy Wood Jr as being hilarious.

Not to mention Michael Lerner. I love me some Michael Lerner.

Mostly terrible yes, but it did have the beautiful "A New Day" sketch about the "legalization" of weed in NYC.

Yeah, I don't know what that means.

I was 16 when I saw it in theaters, early in its run (before it had gotten much press and before much was written about it on the relatively-nascent internet), and without knowing whether what I was seeing was real or fake.

Haha, thank you!

Force of nature? Heh, sure, right, like she's gonna be able to play an 8/8 trample that was discontinued in the mid-90's.

Fun fact: Both George "The Animal" Steel and Gorgeous George are mentioned by name in Seinfeld. Also, there is a character named George.

I saw a Star War for $10

How come the divorce was never mentioned though?

Ditto. One of the most amazing soundtracks ever.

Surely, some honorable mention must go to the light, brief "Yesterday" tune in Once Upon A Time In America.

It was telegraphed in the opening credits, when Bryan Cranston got the special and credit, as in "… and Bryan Cranston." Once I saw that, I knew there was no way he was making it to the second reel, and that I had been lied to by Hollywood yet again.

You guys'll enjoy this a lot more.

I was always bummed that Radiohead's "Knives Out" never made it on there.

I don't understand the part where you've gotten the job as SNL's newest cast member and you don't immediately run to Twitter and Instagram to get rid of whatever horrible jokes you made a few years ago.

Now that's terrifying.

A sizable chunk of the rest of the world seemed to enjoy it too.

Unmitigated apprehension for a remake/follow-up to a beloved series from our youth? On the internet?!