They ALL mug too much…What is your point?
I really want to see what John Oliver does with this.
I am interested in starting Adventure Time. Can anyone suggest some key episodes to watch in order to get a feel for the show, without having to spend too much time on it?…
You should do heroin into your early 40's, tops.
Well done, sir. Well done.
Having it all?
It just frustrates me man…I watched the whole series. I want to know what happens!
Whatever happened to the X-Files 2012 movie? I guess we have to assume that Mulder stopped the aliens right…?
Why did we start talking about Louis C.K. all of a sudden?
The Dean knows he is gay. He is at least that self-aware. That is not the joke.
Like when he blackmailed Jeff into singing Kissed by A Rose with him. That was definitely facilitating Greendale's reputation, and not him being a pervy transvestite who wants to bang Jeff.
But he was always that. Like when he commented on how he was still attracted to Jeff as a corpse. He was always a gay stereotype! People are just trying harder to see it now.
@avclub-2586d0717b58d4f4383144ca1341d079:disqus I think the problem is actually much simpler: the Harmon thing gave a pre-determined narrative as to why this season would suck, and people are lining up on either side as some sort of status signalling strategy.
Can you explain how he is different now than in the past?
Cause Dean Pelton was such a deep and well developed character up to this point.
He hasn't been used well since the first season.
"No, the "spoken by a much better actor" thing actually killed the
effect; delivery can have a lot to do with that kind of impression."
Oh well, by all means, have a cookie then. You deserve it, you iconoclast.
@avclub-33235e3d066bad95b6eea457826f7507:disqus Did you have that same reaction when 60 year old Shakespearean thespian Ian McDiarmid said pretty much the exact same thing 45 minutes before?