You should tell the Civil War geek in you to shut the fuck up. The Bridge scene was fine.
You should tell the Civil War geek in you to shut the fuck up. The Bridge scene was fine.
There wasn't a single moment in this entire episode as funny as Chang's John Woo style entrance from Modern Warfare. Or as funny as "Checkmate bitches" or like half the stuff in that episode.
The ending sucked herpes infected donkey anus-testicles, BUT the show as a whole was still a journey worth taking. I have fond memories of the show that aren't necessarily diminished by THE END.
Ain't no slam like a libertarian slam.
I concur on Jeff-Dean. McHale, from what I have seen on the Soup, isn't afraid to joke about being Bicurious or whatever, so I don't think he would have a problem with that being in the show.
Dean Pelton is consistently hilarious. The only thing I don't like about his character is the response from the AV Club writers that usually amounts to "Is the gay stereotype crossing the line?"
30 Rock and Community are BOTH suffering by sharing the spotlight with Parks and Recreation right now.
Alison Brie -Beta Male Bait
I would have sex with the final duel from Once Upon a Time in the West.
Just for the record…
…what WAS happening?
I can tolerate any amount of authorial dicking around if the climactic payoff resonates.
That is a bad strategy. The fun is in the waiting. Actually getting a thing is never as enjoyable as looking forward to that thing.
Can we stop throwing around the word "pulp" so goddamn much? It has become overused to the point that it means "anything with fighting" and I'm tired of it.
That is pretty spot on, but Jeff belongs more at Lawful Neutral.
I like Britta the best, and she gets the least.
Perhaps you feel you are being treated unfairly?
George Lucas is altering the films. Pray he doesn't alter them any further.
You know, it warms my heart that people are still bitching about the Lost finale, because it deserves it.
Ahh, self-righteous whining.
Are we all just supposed to nod and feel smug because we know the historical significance of the name "Rubicon"? How is that actually funny?
"It's not a strawman"