Meth Lab Shenanigans


I mean, I don't have a problem with anybody liking anything, but presenting a novelty band like that as an alternative to Frank Ocean and Leonard Cohen is hard not to laugh at.

Novelty metal bands, huh? That's what does it for you?

He may have gotten them confused with Coldplay.

Yeah, I'm trying to figure out whether you're serious or not.

It's the first of his albums that I've listened to, and I adore it. "Cinco de Tomorrow" came on the radio one day while I was driving around and I had to pull over and look it up. I figure I'll start moving backward in his discography soon enough.

You prefer Babymetal to Frank Ocean. I don't have to talk to you.

Is this is a bit? Are you a gimmick account?

I calls 'em like I sees 'em.

No confusion at all. I'm quite certain that you have shit taste.

Yes, Radiohead, the best rock band of the last twenty years. Is there some confusion?

Between this comment and the one about how Frank Ocean's album is lame, I'm fairly sure your music-listening license needs to be revoked

Album of the year in my book.

My most-played albums that came out this year:

Those are both fantastic songs for sure. Definitely standouts IMO.

It's by far his most acclaimed, though. It's got a 79 on Metacritic, as opposed to Because the Internet's 64.

Good to see 22AM on so many people's lists.

Whoops, I deleted that comment before I saw that you'd responded. I thought it was a little too aggressive. Apologies.

I live on the internet and get overly attached to music, so I end up taking their reactions personally and getting pissed off about it. Got into so many fights with Bieber fans after Arcade Fire beat him out for a Grammy a few years ago.