
The idea that the UFO phenomenon may have been a smokescreen for something far worse has always niggled at me, considering some of the forms of human experimentation and weapons testing we know governments have done.

I miss the golden age of UFOlogy. As a kid I perused numerous battered paperbacks speaking of Greys, Nordics, Men in Black, probes galore, and the truth is out there. Now I'm guessing it was all either experimental aircraft or vivid imaginations. One the other hand, I'm a lot more excited about extra-dimensional

Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger. Psalms 8:2

Katheryn Winnick has said the owl is a total nightmare on set, but it was her personal insistence that saw it introduced.

Rhona Mitra is quite the genre star, I'm something of an admirer. She was one of the original Lara Crofts. Poor man's Beckinsale is a fair analysis but I would readily be that poor man.

1992. Erika Eleniak jumps out of a cake, and I become a man.

Loved the sparkling wordplay around the Northumbrian royal dining table tonight. They're my favorite dysfunctional Saxon family.

Sound likes your quite at gnome there.

When ya try your best but you don't succeed…

I don't need your Civil War 2
Your storylines stink and your company too
Your money hungry sellin' shit in a comics store (ziplock bag fresh)
I don't need this futile bore oh yeah-e-yeah-e-yeaaahh

"I'm quoting Wiseau! When you give me that look, I'm quoting Wiseau!"

I remember all the boobage! Particularly Catherine Bell. That, and the amusing pop culture callbacks, made the show very appealing to my teenage self.

Understandably this article neglects to mention Melody Rules, the worst sitcom to ever grace New Zealand screens. The name has become iconic here for a piece of entertainment so dire everyone has disowned it. It was an attempt by the then-newly-formed TV3 to help reinforce their new brand, which was intended to be

The problem with Myspace is that it wasn't much of a "social network". The lack of a news feed left everyone isolated in their little one-person bubble. If you wanted to see what other people were doing you needed to actually visit their page. I think that's why it lost out in the end.

That whooshing noise you just heard was the joke soaring over your head.

He and Cage also square off in 2013's The Frozen Ground, and it's like a competition to see who can be the more crazy-eyed (Cage wins).

The thing about Nicolas Cage is that he always tries to walk it in.

So begins the northern European tradition of taking the lads to the south of Spain to get drunk and act like dicks.

The standout track on a superb album.

Man, this is the pits.