
Needs more Maddy and Louise.

One of my all-time favorite historical novels! His Kit Marlowe is a lusty tortured soul and the language is exquisite.

According to Charles Nicholl's "The Reckoning", the story of 'stabbed in a bar fight' is a cover-up and Marlowe was actually murdered as part of the power struggle between Essex and Raleigh. It's a complicated conspiracy incorporating a slander campaign (the attempt to frame him as a pederast and atheist) and a

If he had not died so young one wonders what Marlowe would have eventually produced.

Anthony Burgess mentioned this several times in his books about Shakespeare. He singled out lines like tiger's heart wrapt in a woman's hide as being distinctly Marlovian.

You don't really know much about Halloween…you thought no further than the strange custom of having your children wear masks and go out begging for candy. It was the start of the year in our old Celtic lands, and we'd be waiting…in our houses of wattles and clay. The barriers would be down, you see, between the real

You know nothing, dragon girl!

Oh for chrissakes Teddy can you not go a single day without fucking up?

We never will know what the butler saw.

Let's not forget Colin MacKenzie's Salome!

You're in the Wong thread.

I can definitely hear the Tangerine Dream, and it's the sort of flavour well suited to acid loonieness like Doctor Strange. Also, sitar vs harpsichord duel!

This is a horror movie where the monster is us, to use that old cliche, and it's infinitely more powerful than any supernatural tale.

That final shot is a real gutpunch; in fact the last five minutes or so are a white-knuckle ordeal as you know what's coming.

What, no Yello?


That horrible feeling when you signed up for Shane and instead wind up in Bone Tomahawk.

The single tear that streaks down Dourif's face as he surveys the assembled horde of Isengard is one of my favorite moments from the entire series.

It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of Sapho that thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, the stains become a warning. It is by will alone set my mind in motion.

Good on ya Bob.