
"Beers, steers and queers

Back in 1993 the ubernerds at my college designed a level based on our school. The staff room was full of demons, the pool was lava, and so on. At the time the novelty seemed astounding. In hindsight - post-Columbine etc - it's quaint in a darkly comic kind of way.

Cleaganebowl. Get hype.

The Thor the merrier!

For a second when first reading this I thought it was the A-Team, which made the concept seem all the more spectacular.

Gives new meaning to the term "disco stick"

Say what you like about S2, but Lera Lynn was a revelation.

So what's your favorite kind: pedestal, desk or ceiling?

You forgot good taste, which was brutally murdered by the mummers in Braavos.

*Sinead O'Connor tweets home address of Maradona*

Tonight's episode was directed by Kiwi Toa Fraser. I've been a fan of his work for some time; it was a huge surprise to see his name in the credits but I'm so glad he pulled it off with such utter class.

Is it just me or has there been a fart joke every episode this season?

Oh dearies! Kevin Eldon and Richard E Grant, loves!

The angry Weston supermare is one of the most dangerous horses you can encounter in England.

For a second I thought this was Pervert Pork, the excruciating tell-all biopic of Porky Pig.

Not a fan of sextets then?

I guess you could say he's not onto a weiner.

Reminds me of my clumsy attempts to recreate famous faces in the The Sims facemapper, which would usually wind up creating something that looked like it had crawled out of a Bosch painting.

Popular cable TV shows for some, miniature American flags for others!

Renfield has some serious explaining to do the next time the office stationery bill comes around.