
I got a Lovejoy notification for this?

Definite waste of Sarah Bolger.

Whitney's worst bad hair day ever.

She's a goddamn wahine toa, but it's a long time before I'll forgive her for the Auckland crap in Hateful Eight. Bloody jafas! Dunedin was the biggest at that time, courtesy of the Otago gold rush.

That's right, all the "ValueTales" books had a small critter who helped explain things. Damn they were good quality, they helped plant fascination for history firmly in me.

I learned about Nellie as a kid from the "ValueTales" books, she represented 'Fairness'. She got her start when a male editor wrote a piece declaring women couldn't be journos; she wrote an elegant riposte to which responded "if you don't like it then write your own stories"…so she did. Her stalwart courage and

I must leave you now, as the Brady Bunch is on, and I find four of those children incredibly arousing.

I got a Duckman notification for this?

I liked the "THINK QUICK, TUBBY!" look Egbert gave the Bishop. Pulling doctrinal authority out of one's arse at short notice is crucial at times like these.

I think he's referring to Roland, the French dude conniving with Odo's mistress. Technically Roncesvalles occurred years before the sack of Lindisfarne, but this show is pretty casual about timelines. Egbert did hang with Charlemagne for a while, after all.

Ragnar should be angrier, louder, and have access to a big axe.

Bjorn to be wild!

Peter O'Toole's incredibly gracious, charming and witty acceptance speech when accepting his honorary Award in 2003.

All of New Zealand stopped for that! I'll never forget how she nearly staggered under the weight of the Oscar, and giddily started walking off in the wrong direction before one of the attendants gently guided her back.

Hey it's 1947, everyone was gettin' their weekly atomic blast. Cheaper than a spray tan!


Ray Stevenson in The Other Guys: "There are three things I love in this world: Kylie Minogue, small dimples just above a woman's buttocks, and the fear in a man's eye when he knows I'm about to hurt him."

"Russian Queen" has always triggered my pedantry; it should of course be Czarina. I am willing to make allowances for the rhyme, but surely they could have used "bizarre" or perhaps "gone too far". Nonetheless, great song.

Black Sails, Vikings, Penny Dreadful. All their title sequences totally set the theme of the show, as well as being artworks in their own right.

Cruel Intentions 2 was nearly a tv show!