
Of all the great moments in this ep, it was the fireside tete-a-tete between Sir Malcolm and Victor that really got me. The line about how love made us "strangers to ourselves" felt particularly poignant. Man, there were some intense closeups in that hour.

Lily's speech really echoed speeches of both the Monster and his Bride from the novel, especially the vision of the "modern creature" ruling over the future.

Damn he's intense. And if he doesn't declare "you're nicked!" when he cops 'is geezer then I shall have to complain.

That's a guy you really want in your pocket when you're throwing down with witches. Damn handy in the kitchen, too!

Their banter was superb; two old frenemies locked in dependency and mutual loathing, yet able to open their hearts to each other easily and readily.

Easily one of my most treasured moments from that show. It just works so well in context.

I blew my first real paycheque on this album! I can recall that day so vividly. The packaging and design were exciting enough, but when I got it home and slapped on my 'phones, pressed play, and heard those opening thumps (from THX-1138) explode into a torrent of accusatory rage - then it was like the cliched

Yes I know of her miscarriage, after all it prompted the initial inspiration for the book. She just wasn't that good on anatomy.

The West Country moors are so positively overrun with werewolves that I'm suprised Chandler wasn't forced to take a number. "'Ere back off lad, we's got the place Mondays through Thursdays, you Somerset gits 'ave the rest!"

Dorian's still got those photos stashed away somewhere.

I thought Chandler was really rockin' "whaler chic" this week, tastefully matching the earthy hues of the moors.

It's hilarious that book-Victor never thought "hey, how about I DON'T give her a womb?" considering he is a doctor 'n' all, but one must remember that Frankenstein was written by a 19-year-old girl in 1816 who didn't know that much about such things.

He's in the boat with Gendry, Thoros of Myr, Beric, and a few others I can't remember.


Syrup fever, boy! SYRUP FEVER!

Man, that synth score. Turns my blood to ice.

As a kid I used to feel a little depressed that there were all these fascinating movies I'd heard about but would never see, because they never made it to VHS or my local cinema. Then DVD came along, and suddenly even the most obscure titles were being published. It was really quite thrilling as you could build an


Whoever is working in the prop department on those dolls deserves all the awards.

It must have been so much fun for the effects department to go all Slayer on the party like that, pouring their tomato sauce all over the gorgeous frocks and setpieces.