
All that review and no frost-related puns? It's like ice just don't snow you guys anymore.

I love the way the giant flicked some bits of remaining ice zombie off his shoulder as he padded out to sea, like "man, this was a real shit morning".

Yet, no Lois!

"Horror….in all it's horror!"

I really enjoy Douglas Hodge as the keen copper out to nail 'is geezer. He's one of the real journeymen of Brit tv, a "hey it's that guy type" who always adorns these small but significant roles.

I'm going to work this line into conversation sometime soon.

"Witchy McEvil" was taken.

Gladstone's nightly sojourns to save fallen women are one of the more fascinating aspects of his career. Obviously it raised no small amount of scandal, but the outright earnestness of his efforts - and the fact he invested literally thousands of pounds in relief schemes - survived the slanders. It was later learned…

I noticed Oleanna's belt for the first time tonight, brilliantly designed tangled rose. Dany's gown was stunning too.

Jonathon Pryce is such a pleasure to watch. He's one of the last great Shakespearean villains.

The Devonshire moors were bound to show up sometime, they're as much a part of Victorian horror as Dracula. Dread hangs as heavy as the cold damp, and you can well believe every ruined cottage is home to something best left alone.

Many things can be said about Game of Thrones, but it's the only show ever where you'll hear the line "the dwarf lives until we find a cock merchant".

Marie had a lit cigarette in her hand within five seconds of finishing sex; she truly was a Frenchwoman.

That guy who did the final "fridge door" speech really nailed it. That'll be this show's epitaph for me.

Helen McCrory looks like she's having so much fun. "I get to fire off a Mauser, carve up a baby, play Puppetmaster, AND they're paying me for this shit!"

Truly, Death becomes her!

There seems to be a geninue pleasure among the rest of the Mayfair Scooby Gang when he's around, that can't be all acting. Did you see Sembene? He was grinning his arse off!

"Why does everything turn out crappy?"

I always knew cancer would get her, every time we saw her so impeccably poised with a cigarette.

"Shit My Bad" should be Daenerys' personal House words.