
Fantastic to see A Field In England finally get some love around here. I was really bothered by the lackluster review it initially received on this site. I think it's one of the most inventive and original movies in a long time and an excellent piece of folk horror.

I worked as a night porter for some years. It's like living in some peculiar twilight dimension, where you feel a real disconnect with the "regular" world and can be isolated on every level. If nothing else, I think this film captures that atmosphere, and uses it effectively to depict the story of this relationship.

Peaky Blinders. Show of the year.

Purple Man displays some in Alias, I wonder if they'd translate that across to the upcoming TV show.

Joe Kickass

For goodness' sake somebody adapt Saki's Tobermory already. The world is now perfectly primed for an arch, well-spoken feline that exposes the moral failings of his human keepers.

I liked the 1996 movie adaption of Breaking the Code, with Derek Jacobi as Turing and Prunella Scales as his devoted mum. It's lowkey and rather sad.

I figured that was how someone would interpret my comment there. Let's put it this way: the memetic inanity that all Swift writes is "songs about boys" is rendered in stark reveal when compared to other songwriters.

For a while there Swift seemed like the subject of such unwarranted loathing on this board, it's nice to see someone with something positive to say. Honestly, I've read comments about her here that would have been considered utterly unacceptable if applied to any other woman, yet she seemed to be an acceptable target.

Pretty much every song Hank Williams wrote was about how his woman done him wrong. Yet, I've never heard him excoriated for lack of imagination or repetitiveness like Swift has been.

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that if Jane Austen had not existed, the BBC would have invented her.

Where is Sharpe? Damn your eyes man I'll have you flogged.

nobody remembers these fondly

Catherine Zeta Jones rather stole your thunder, didn't she?

This guy was done hard a year or so back in an employment case. He owned a restaurant, and one night he got the staff to deliver some food to his yacht. However there was a communication breakdown with a bodyguard and it got delivered to his apartment instead (when he wasn't there). Shortly thereafter he shows up

So he wasn't the best at what he did, then.

Fuck yeah homie Cornwall represent.

Heh I was waiting for that

What a roaring essay on regret. All it takes is one self-justified compromise and you've ruined things forever for yourself and others. Nucky turned Gillian's trust into something he could exploit and it was all over. He should have turned his back on Leander and just swum right out to sea and never returned to

God help him if he ever found Richard's happy-family-scrapbooks. That would be awkward.