
No, because downthread I heartily endorse The Tudors for just that reason.

He's my dream Victarion, with James Purefoy as Euron.

History blows unless it's sexy!

There's also Showtime's The Tudors, wherein Jonathan Rhys Meyers acts his little heart out across four seasons of boobs, butts and beheadings. It launched Natalie "Margery Tyrell" Dormer to fame and she is exceptional as Anne Boleyn. Historical fact is usually dispensed with as easily as a torn bodice, but it's

I love that mod and all the crazy alternate timelines you can spin out of it. When the thing works properly, of course.

I subscribe to the theory he was parodying the blood-and-thunder fashion that dominated the Elizabethan theatre when he arrived, as practised by Kyd and Marlowe. He really lays on the blood and horror in a deliberately excessive amount as a way of mocking the gory dramas of classical treachery.

I felt the Gormenghast TV series was a very poor adaptation. But I can't recommend the books enough. It's often more poetry than prose, and the reader gets lured into a world so rich and dense it's almost as ominous as the seemingly endless castle halls.

I'm imagining the morning headlines:
The Guardian: American President gets hundreds of Londoners killed
The Daily Mail: Muslim solo mother kill hundreds of Londoners
The Times: London attacked, the Royals are fine
The Telegraph: Terrorist leader went to boarding school and Cambridge
The Yorkshire Post: Local woman makes a

It was crying out for an Eastenders cameo.

Meanwhile, inside the 24 writer's bunker: "Aha! Ve haff triumphed! Quake in fear, AV Commentariat!" BOOP BEEP BOOP BEEP BOOP

I didn't think I could love her more, then suddenly : "Gimme a grenade!" This is my dream woman, right here.

By god she's a crack shot. At least six baddies dispatched and she only reloaded once. Whereas the boys were shooting away so poorly they would have shamed an Imperial Stormtrooper.

The snappy one-liner made it perfect. Jack's not exactly a comedian, so I didn't expect something like "Seems you have no HEAD for terrorism!" or the like. All business, that fellow.

What's that old bean? It's dinnertime, don't you know! We'll jump in the kite after I've finished me tea. Tally ho toodle pip pip I've got a bushy moustache!

Vanessa's room was awash in this sickly green the whole time, it was queasy just to watch that.

Morphine for sleeping, cocaine for thinking, a pistol for everything else.

'I believe in everything'. Sembene is the man! "Oh hey look, Vanessa's been possessed again, time for my patented Senegal Slap!"

"Obeisance" was my hundred-pound word of the night.

All I remember about Van Helsing are Kate Beckinsale's tights.

They did a series of ads for Carlings, but other than that they never did get a show.