
This week in Westeros : Podrick invents the flambe.

How about Mandy? Remember her?

Oldschool 1E AD&D monk, more like.

"My shieldmaiden can kick your shieldmaiden's arse!"

I feel somebody out there knew exactly what he was saying/doing. I still maintain he was a disgruntled former WGN employee and the broadcast is a coded message/insult/shout-out to his peers, with all their in-jokes and references.

I couldn't help looking up the business address of Betty's friend on her card : 463 Palisade St, Dobbs Ferry, NY. I doubt the numbers ever ran that high, but it's a cosy looking little area from what Google shows me.

I loved the visual connection between the White Walker's fortress and Arnold Böcklin's famous painting Isle of the Dead. It's a bit of a cliche but they pulled it off.

Since they denied us the right to rate, I refuse to recognize theirs. Especially after A Field In England and that True Detective ep both got Cs.

He probably thinks 'masturbating' is a city in Essos.



24 gave us Kim Bauer, the sweetest thing to ever annoy the hell out of me. Oh, what hijinks will that ill-fortuned lass get up to this hour!

That whopper of a fight scene was handled brilliantly, another example of how this show can really pull off a battle. There was a real sense of scope, and the flanking charges worked as part of some proper tactics rather than just for dramatic flourish.

I like her hands-on approach to man-management.

It's pure Miami Vice and it's perfect. The movie uses its non-diegetic soundtrack in a very similar fashion to that show.

Brian Cox is, to my mind, a far superior Lector than Hopkins. There's a real stillness and predatory threat in Cox's version that I never really got with Hopkins, who seemed more of a cartoon. I did see Manhunter before Silence so that may have coloured my opinion.

I disagree utterly. Shriekback, at least, works very well but I am biased in their favour. At any rate, it was the music that lured the teenage me into this movie.

And yet, to me, you are smaller even than that.

Johnny's okay in my book. He's always been there, and I've aged with him. I'm slightly bothered at his current mid-life crisis but I trust him to do the right thing. And Amber Heard.

Got as far as "I am on Twitter".