
Supposedly, the "let them eat cake" canard predates L'Autrichienne by a few years. Rousseau attributed it to a nameless princess, and people later assumed he meant her, but in fact there's a long list of possible candidates.

Well, back to having my soul crushed like a Faberge egg under a steamroller.

Not good, Azor Ahai!


I grabbed my armrests, lifted myself six inches from my chair, and exclaimed "AW MAH GAWWWWWWWWWWWWWD!"

He's got this whole Emilio Largo going on, hasn't he?

Margaery was queen for about five minutes. Tommen is top cat now. BUT, she can be quickly married off to him instead.

So Bronn's fucking the wife of a man called Laygood. Are you trying to be funny, Martin?

Personally I found the accent dreadful, much more Australian.

I'm guessing Auslag's current unhappy pregnancy will result in Ivar the Boneless.

The boys of the 27th Penal Panzer Regiment, as described in the books of Sven Hassell; particularly Porta. Those guys know how to party.

But a triumph for kaftans!

Right after your autobiography, "Clever Comments I Have Made".

Their atrocities there were horrific; ultimately the whole thing was a grisly revenge for the humilation of Adowa in 1896, when the Abyssinians had routed a superior Italian force. If you have the stomach, the famous suffragette Sylvia Pankhurst produced a gruesome photo-record of Italian war crimes:

The Italians performed exceptionally in the defence of East Africa, at Stalingrad, in the partisan bands, and in the ranks of the Esercito Nazionale Repubblicano. Their naval special forces formation, the Decima Flottiglia MAS, has one of the most exceptional records of the Second World War. After the invasion, the

For what I've heard though, he could sure as hell run a train.

I'm so glad Bob Dylan's reign of terror was finally ended.

God help me, my views on modern coiffures are entirely shaped from a British Army perspective.

Vanilla Ice, Snow, and early Eminem. Also I think Marky Mark but I'm not going to look it up.

I would like this feature more if a few sacred cows came up for barbecue.