
The whole thing's a Quaker plot to make you hate capitalism.

This song is almost too painful to listen to in places. "Don't believe in miracles, probably never did." Nothing makes your regrets worse than realizing they was never worth anything in the first place.

That are at that, being the abdomen of a crustacean.

Crimea river!

"Matangi" is the Maori word for a nice breeze or wind.

Employers like it when you display some knowledge of their company. Tell them "the AV Club thinks you're shit!" and you'll be running the place in a week.

Superb electronic soundtrack on this.

He's been here four times since 1966, the most recent occasion being March 2011. Seriously, the girl's got no excuse.

Schama is an amazing narrative historian, this is definitely a must-watch,

I'm commenting on an article from 2003! I feel like a tourist vandalizing a cave painting!

It's a shared communication now, a collective pool of "cloud humour" if you like. Practically a language to itself. I hope one day whole peoples will communicate in Simpsons quotes, much in the manner of the Tamarians.

They certainly earn their paycheck, and they look even more Viking than the cast.

He competes in the ski jump at the first-ever Winter Olympics?

Hangin' out with the Vikings? That's a crucifyin'.

"Finally, found our Jesus! Places, people!"

Hit the nail on the head there,

It's 2008. I'm working for an English-language publicity company in Brussels that promotes European documentaries. JCVD arrives on our table. We try to sell it. Absolutely no fucks are given anywhere as we're told van Damme is a has-been and box office poison. What to do? In walks my manager, the most ruthless

All the good things (pirates, Toby Stephens, ship go boom) allowed me to overlook the bad ones. Definitely looking forward to the second season.

HBO's Rome had a good todger-to-fanny ratio.

Has the Black Sails review run aground on dreaded Weekend Hiatus Reef?