
I love how tiered it is for such a throwaway joke. At that tine Chamberlain and Seymour seemed to be in every mini-series there was. Seymour starred in one such series about Wallis Simpson called The Woman He Loved. There's the Montegna bit of course, then the kicker about a freshfaced NPH playing an evil Bart.

Blood on the Blackboard: The Bart Simpson Story! Starring Richard Chamberlain as Principal Skinner, Joe Montegna as Fat Tony, Jane Seymour as the woman he loved, and TV's Doogie Howser, Neil Patrick Harris, as Bart Simpson!

Hamlet. As a kid I had a child's Bowdlerised copy of the Bard's works, although I did not realise it at the time. The colossal shock came at age 12 when I attended my first grown-up performance of the play. I was following it word-for-word until we came to Polonius' advice to Laertes about visiting brothels. This

This melonfarming thread, man.

Sir, I would direct you to the performance of Mr Hugh Fraser in the TV series Sharpe.

Not to diminish the brilliance of Blackadder's ending, but…if you want a Britcom ending that's truly a kick in the guts, then One Foot In The Grave is for you. It was always an extremely black comedy, but the finale shows how you can combine grief and humour to devastating effect.

Well you mean that idiot Gove, who is very much like a character from Blackadder itself, and is treated accordingly by the general public.

The awesome ending of 4 usually makes most fans overlook what a generally
lackluster season it is. I, myself, am a huge fan of 1 - a statement that would often get one bashed in any British schoolyard. But I love the
"Bean-ish" Blackadder that I know many despise, and I think the higher
production values and

Originally, the plan was to make a fifth series set in the Swinging London of the 60s, with Blackadder managing a hapless rocker called Bald Rick. But everyone agreed it was over, not least Atkinson whose Mr Bean was just taking off.

The "works" of Oscar Kiss Maerth are definitely worth the attentions of any would-be Devo fan. The Beginning Was The End, with its theme of 'devolution', is where it all began.

Now that's getting head.

I was teasing, but I do like InActionMan's response.

RIP Freddie. Your courage and humour represented so much when I was a kid. Thanks for inspiring me, man.

So how do they explain the hairgel?

When I realized it wasn't, I've never felt more let down.

Even if it all turns out to be a red herring, I love the fact the King in Yellow has been incorporated in this.

It wasn't till about halfway through the pilot that I suddenly realized "Holy shit, it's Nazir!"

The costume department certainly seems to owe more to the Pirates of Penzance rather than the ones of Nassau.