
Hildegard was recently recognized as a Doctor of the Church,

Goddamn you HBO for making me hate her.

Goddamn you HBO for making me hate her.

I half-expected Capone to carry on like it was like the end of Blazing Saddles - "aw prairie shit, everybody!"

I half-expected Capone to carry on like it was like the end of Blazing Saddles - "aw prairie shit, everybody!"

At least they didn't all run to the phones afterwards.  "Hot scoop!  The Mayor's a dick!"

At least they didn't all run to the phones afterwards.  "Hot scoop!  The Mayor's a dick!"

He got to use a machine gun!

He got to use a machine gun!

That they could someone make such a villain so pitiable in the end is a sign of how great this show is.

That they could someone make such a villain so pitiable in the end is a sign of how great this show is.

"The guy with da mask.  Whaddafuck was that about?"

"The guy with da mask.  Whaddafuck was that about?"

Awesomeness won on the day.

Awesomeness won on the day.

Technically Eddie is based on a historical person, Louie Kessel, so his odds may improve somewhat.

Technically Eddie is based on a historical person, Louie Kessel, so his odds may improve somewhat.

So much sumptuous suit porn tonight!

So much sumptuous suit porn tonight!

Like Quantum Leap, but with Lugers!