
I was…cool?

not to mention the Battersea Power Station basically being 'the ministry of love'.

As a description of Animals, "the perfect album for a pessimistic 17-year-old to listen to through headphones while working on homework well past midnight" is spot-on.

Yes, I believe that is the answer to Mr Murray's question.  I think I heard Luciano mumbling something about sugar?

His sinister smile deserves a nomination for itself.  He is the man of one thousand arched eyebrows.

And gentlemen in England now-a-bed

Serious slander all that - someone seems to have a real axe to grind for Mol.  I remember a lurid rumor surrounding her going the casting-couch route for this role, which when challenged by proper media saw the initial claimants retract and go scurrying for cover.  So yeah, pinch of salt on that one.

She has some stiff competition but yeah, that winky bit was an eyebrow-raiser

When I'm not ruthlessly murdering people I like to make pretty collages too.

So then, no mention of Major Mike Kealy's death?  Fiennes' blaming it on some chimerical South African assassin was extremely controversial.  The plot synopsis doesn't seem to resemble the book at all.

"Mercy Seat" can reduce a room to anarchy like I've never seen

""Mutiny In Heaven" is like the archetypal Cave song" - definitely

A career-defining quote if ever there was one.

Twin Peaks, Northern Exposure, Eerie Indiana, Picket Fences?  While all these shows hewed their own path through the subversion of the American small town, all of them seemed to draw from the same pool.

Very clear I thought.

The sad thing is I always felt he never made it - what's left of him and the money is still out there in the bush somewhere.

Ghost Recon, baby. All I thought of.

the real crime here
is rhyming "flowin'" with "Lohan".

Two words Rockyrocky : BODY DOUBLE

Halloween 3
"Stupid, aggressively unpleasant" is a pretty good summation of the film, but I do love Dan O'Herlihy's performance. He gets some cracker lines and is obviously enjoying himself immensely.