
WTH, Uma Thurman?
How/why does she keep making dreadful films like this throughout her career? Especially comedies, which - as noted in the review - aren't really her thing, are they?

Oviri (Gauguin)
Control (Ian Curtis)

Not a total failure then.

The Old Bluebeard Story
Girl finds a key, unlocks that forbidden room in the tower. Hilary does not ensue.

Just like Jimmy Carter. That was what you wanted, right?

I would so love to see Dylan play the villain in some horror flick.

This is post-humorous.

I've maintained - since we learned the date of his daughter's wedding - that Roger will be the man on the grassy knoll; and the whole assassination will be revealed as just a ploy to stop the wedding.

Wasn't the general consensus on this film a stunned : "How did they make a new Shit Fucker movie worse than that van Damme Shit Fucker movie?"

Depends whether it's red or black. Yay on the former, nay on the latter. Choice of toast is up to you.

A "new Alias"? What's the story with that?

Vietnam keeps getting bought up all the time now - twice this episode, with Pete's jets, and the young couple - I would guess it's going to become more central to the plotlines as the whole Mad Men story progresses.

"A man is the room he's in". That scene still ranks as one of the best sofar.

How about his "give you a go-around" come-on? I am totally stealing that speech.

Here's one male Kiwi chiming in to say he hates The Piano, and always has. It has a disturbingly racist and patronizing portrayal of Maori, and is a glorified bodice-ripper.

Yeah, I know I'm kinda in a minority on that one - just call me a 'shipper.

Chekov's Footchopper must be acknowledged.

@Felt Pelt - my mother used to say that to me all the time.

Advertising is all about the perfect image, innit? Can't have a mangled guy out front, no matter how much of a pretty boy he is.

I loved the stiff-upper-lip Britishness of that scene - how Lane's silent grief was greeted with a rousing "That's the spirit!"