
Spot on, your holiness. That is the Golden Age Angel, alias Thomas Halloway. Kind of a psycho Errol Flynn type.

I thought the way Don got away with the lie - "that wouldn't help" when asked for his license - was just a sign of a what a legend bullshitter he is.

Did stewardesses like that ever really exist?

I love alternate-history-gaming; it was summed up best right at the start of this thread as "fan fiction for the Ivory Tower types". I'm really glad it got a Gateway.

The Temeraire novels by Naomi Novik are OK, DD; they're as much fantasy as alternate history - it's the Napoleonic War WITH DRAGONS!. Damn good fun.

There's the bit where Evil Twin taunts Good One about their girlfriend : "I'm going to do terrible things to her". Sends a shiver down my spine, especially considering he's a damn gynecologist. It's a nasty quote I enjoy inflicting on occasion.

Glen, I need closure on that anecdote.

It's more that I'm was C64 loyalist from the old days. Besides dude, SNAKE EYES TALKED IN THAT VIDEO!

Between this film, 'Pump up the Volume', and Trent Reznor, a million angsty boys donned black longcoats, and have been wearing them ever since.

God I loved that game.

Ah, the turtle. Back in the day, when I was the only kid in my hood with a copy of Cannibal Holocaust, I always had people wanting to watch it. And they would always heave and walk out right at the turtle scene, every time.

Forgotten Silver
is basically a big joke on the part of Jackson and Botes, directed at that "swelling of national pride" you mentioned. Far too many Kiwis have always been laughably insecure about our national identity - handwringing over the fact that we had no historical record in art or on film. Hence all the

Johnny Ace, "Pledging My Love"
Beautiful, eerie song used to great effect twice in this movie. One of the main things I remember about it.

I was the first kid on my block with a confirmed kill.

But Pulp Fiction was good, right? Made us all believe again?

I don't think a person could go wrong by picking up a weekly/monthly superhero title, of a character they're already familiar with through pop culture osmosis, and following that. The Ultimate Spidey suggestion above is a good example. There's no need to care about the continuity porn if you just like reading comics.

This was the first comic I ever read on a regular basis. Thirty years later, I've found a whole new generation is still enjoying them. I would suggest giving any budding comics enthusiast a collected edition, especially of Slaine, of Halo Jones (Moore's forgotten character).

Dave McKean?
Once upon a time his covers were the only persuasion I needed to by a certain comic. Dude's got style.

So true, I want - nay, need - lots more FTTF.