Will Oliver

I really thought JJS would make his return at the end of the episode, as it would really throw Fiona's "marriage" into flux. I know I'm probably in the minority, but I'm excited to see his return. I think the show needs it right now..

Nick Offerman better get a god damn Emmy nomination already. This episode alone is enough proof that he is more than deserving.

It's cool to see the show finally giving Tommy something more to do than just drinking at the bar!

You should be the one reviewing the show..

I knew I was in a different dimension once Ken Cosgrove started tap dancing.

Here's the song that played during the credits in case you guys were searching:

Apparently I'm alone here, but I couldn't stand The Tree Of Life. Was a really let down by it. Trust me, I wanted to love it.

The riff on The Tree Of Life was gold. That movie was horrid.

Did anyone else notice Troy throwing up the peace sign and saying "peace"? Awesome.

Sometimes less is more. That's what I learned tonight.

Emmy Rossum killed it on that finale scene. You could just read every emotion simply by the reactions of her face. Fine acting job.

I think you didn't appreciate the scene with Jessa and her father because you haven't been in that situation. Now I don't mean to assume anything about your relationship with your father/parents, or hell even Lena's and how much of it is drawn from her own personal relationships.

Really man? I think it's a stone cold classic episode of the show. I thought it was both emotional and funny.

The kid (Matthew) reminded me more of Michael Cera than Paul Dano.

"Leslie And Ben" should have had it's own standalone review so we could look at that well deserved A grade at the top of the page.

Yeah! I was about to post this myself.

While arguing with Thomas John, Jessa says he's probably one of the losers that didn't get laid until he was 16. But a lot of people struggle to lot their virginity into college and their 20s. A 16-year-old is still in high school. So I don't quite think losing your virginity at 16 as much of a pitfall as she makes it