For some reason I thought you were 25…
For some reason I thought you were 25…
Or, only say it to groups of teenage girls.
Or, only say it to groups of teenage girls.
Speaking of Ferguson, he was doing shows without audiences long before these posers.
Speaking of Ferguson, he was doing shows without audiences long before these posers.
For all you youngsters out there…their first appearance…the Rolling Stones!
For all you youngsters out there…their first appearance…the Rolling Stones!
D3: The Mighty Ducks
D3: The Mighty Ducks
I prefer off-broodway shows to off-brodway
I prefer off-broodway shows to off-brodway
That's my Robbie, always peeing on people!
That's my Robbie, always peeing on people!
Go away, no one likes you!
Go away, no one likes you!
@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus or everytime the AV Club mentions Johansson and HDbag shows up with the Derek Jeter Herpes Tree…