Kake or Death

I found it even more distracting because I recognized the guy from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy.

I was distracted at the end by James' husband, who not only was not the same actor that they used before, but was also Jai Rodriguez from Queer Eye For the Straight Guy.

The movie sucked, but the book was good, or so thought my 8th grade self.

Marshall & Lily were broken up for much of the time that Ted & Robin were together.

Poor Jeanine
Dirty old man Nigel making that comment about her costume last night made my jaw drop. Kayla and Jeanine both tried to cover her up after that.

I thought the shadow concept could have been really interesting, and it started out that way, but it seemed like the concept didn't really get carried through the entire dance, especially when they took off their jackets.

I think it turns it into a stillbirth.

I have a tie skirt! Glad to know that it's awesomeness is appreciated.

Glad to hear I'm not the only one who cried at Kyle's line.

A date with Jill

But with Ted & Robin, she didn't want to be direct. She didn't really want them to break up, but she knew that they wanted different things out of life.

Oh, I've done the breakfast thing for my boyfriend before. We're not married, but…I could see myself doing it every once in awhile.

@snrubgrub—that cutesy movie was the Huggabunch movie! It was a cartoon too, and I had one of the dolls, but the puppet movie scared the crap out of me. Also, The Last Unicorn was scary.