
I enjoyed the shit out of this episode. It wasn't the best one, I thought, but it was still fun.
They're really getting into some hairy territory with me. I love a good basket of secrets as much as the next person, but please resolve one before throwing ten more in the basket.

I'm just not ready for the transition of Spader from "that guy you still inexplicably want to have sex with" to "female protagonist's father". If that's the next pill I have to swallow… well, then he can no longer bring up the G-spot in casual conversation with his daughter, because BOUNDARIES, DAD.

Yeah, but this season we've been granted a wonderful reprieve.

I'll always hate him for "Wanted", and when the sequel comes out, even the new X-Men movie won't keep me from hating him more.

Oh, see, I was totally hoping that her soul got zapped to Oz and they had to go get her. Because that is an intensely boring building they ran in circles through for an hour. Also - how do you do an Oz offshoot without GOING there?

I just had that conversation with someone. Charlie's LARPing episode was not my favorite, and it felt like they threw some gay in there despite the other girl having the personality of a sandwich, and no chemistry between them. As opposed to last night, when they nailed the chemistry without the "LESBIAN, CHARLIE'S A

I enjoy this show because frankly, I want James Spader to walk into my restaurant and talk down to me. Also, I have the patience of a saint and I watch "Supernatural", for Christ's sake, so I'm okay with waiting awhile for the payoff.

I could have sworn they were on I-35 outside of Dallas.