
Bring back the calendar! How else am I to learn what is on tv?

I played continuity cop on all the geographical references in the first 6-7 episodes and finally concluded that the show exists in a mythical Chicago. There have been a ton of inconsistencies, large and small, both within the episodes and based on what cast members have said about where the house is located. Remember

Here's a statement with which I wholeheartedly disagree…
"The story of two people who love each other but just can't seem to get it together is one audiences have seen enough that it has to be executed in a meticulous and credible way, and this felt forced, rushed, and even nonsensical."
Meticulous seems like a

Finally, I found the events and pace of the episode to be wholly satisfying. Even envigorating. Lots of interesting character and plot pay-offs in the ongoing stories.

This was one of my favorite episodes of Shameless ever.

My point is that it is pitch-perfect, regional dialogue.

This Week in Shameless Chicagoland Geography…

I didn't know that. Thanks.

SERIOUS continuity problems in this episode with Zooey's hair.

May I, as a former Chicagoan, heartily praise this show for getting summer so right?

No, there wasn't a weird pedophilia vibe.

Yea, Brit Morgan was fascinating on Middleman — a very live and genuine performance. And she was the victim of badly written D subplot status on True Blood last season.

I re-watched. As she walks out of her house, she tells her ex-high school crush that she is running an errand to Glencoe.

The Fluid and Odd Chicago Geography on Shameless continues.