
Do any of you watch "It's Always Sunny…"? Seriously….

Wait, I thought Real Genius took place at the fictional "Pacific Tech"….

Me too! I love Real Genius. It was so hard growing up watching this movie, realizing the ridiculousness of the Lazlo character, but especially his secret tunnel/carnie ride was a bitter pill to swallow as I got older. But I still watch it any time it's on.

Dr Halprin
was awesome. No one could have played him better.

He really did so many classics that I wasn't even aware of, very prolific.

Julie Andrews the best though this.

Brian Doyle-Murray in Wayne's World?
He is better remembered best in Caddyshack (betting on Spalding picking his nose?) and Groundhog Day (If you gotta shoot, aim high. I don't wanna hit the groundhog).

Well, @Pinkie, seeing as this was filmed in Lowell, which has a HUGE Cambodian refugee community, that is not out of the question.

Daniel NEVER gets the girl, they go for him in his brief moment of glory, they gone.

That is true, cage was brilliant as different types of losers in the guises of Charlie and Donald Kaufman.

I don't know, he seemed pretty close to flamboyant on "Extras", but then that was the idea.


Pam seems like the kind of mom that wouldn't let Jim take too much control, like with the breast-feeding at the beginning (I know he can't breast-feed, and can only help so much, but he was trying to help and she was shutting him out).

I can only say—-Thank you.

Quaid references
Can we at least agree to not make them anymore? They have all been made in the many other updates, so please, no more "back to mars", "shitter's full", etc.
Methinks we have a lot more of this to endure, let's make it as crazy-pointing fun and easy as we can.

So, Quaid's "Hollywood Wackers" strike again?

Playing Nightcrawlers.

The 4th! "Who Pooped the Bed" AND "The Nightman Cometh"? They automatically make for the best season, they will be hard to top (although "The Gang Gets Invincible" in season 3 with Frank tripping and the introduction of Greenman was pretty awesome too).

I'm such a jabroni.

No mention of the actual penis flash? That was unexpected!