
Presumably he'll eventually emerge from the Lodge in a state similar to David Bowie's character (who, it is implied, also disappeared into the Lodge).

I imagine her saying to herself "Goddamit, if I see one more clone of myself, I'm going to jump in front of this train."

@avclub-3e89778b9ef82189a336a84b1546c976:disqus Orphan Black: Come for the clone conspiracy, stay for the acerbic satire of Canadian suburban life.

@dygitalninja Actually, it was the opposite. It was stated that Cosima's and Alison's mothers had IVF fertility treatment (egg is fertilized in a test tube and then implanted in the womb). They had no idea that the child they gave birth to wasn't their genetic offspring.

When Leakey heard Delphine say Sarah's name, he had a look on his face that I interpreted as confusion. I took that to mean that he had no idea Sarah existed.

Cosima needs to be in Minnesota because Americans won't watch something unless America is mentioned at some point.

Someone should tell Olivier that there are plenty of videos of guys with tails on YouTube.

I interpreted that differently. When Sarah tells Donnie to think about what he has with Alison, their house and their family, I thought she was trying to save Alison's marriage because she realizes that tying up and abusing Donnie was likely to make him want to leave. She tells him that Alison is the rock of the

Good point. Art's the one who likes his Glock (as established in previous dialogue). Alison and Sarahbeth use a different kind of gun (the name of which I don't recall).

Felix also has some substantial scenes with Vic in the second episode.

I live in Toronto, and the Toronto setting was very apparent to me. Paul's flight itinerary listed Toronto's Pearson Airport, and the car license plates all say Ontario.

One of the things I loved about Being Erica (which was also made by Temple Street, the same Canadian studio which makes Orphan Black) is that it was very specifically Torontonian. Even the characters felt quintessentially Torontonian.

Actually, Alison and Beth are both Canadian. Cosima is American (I don't know the explanation for her Greek name).

Sarah being British makes it easier to tell when she's switching between being Sarah and being Beth. But if the BBC asked for it, I'm also wondering if it was an aesthetic choice to match their brand.

…and Cosima wears glasses while the others don't.